Minerva Wisdom Arts

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Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home

Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home

Have No Fear

Dear Ones,

We know that many of you are feeling quite unnerved to say the least, about the possible outcomes of the election in the United States. We understand, the fear can feel so real. And it’s not that there’s nothing to be frightened of. It’s just that these fears have a longer arc than you remember.

Things have always and often been hard for most people. The amplification of trouble has brought a new experience of fear for many who had not felt it before, or to many who felt it was under control, or who had simply learned to live with it. But we want to say that what you fear has not increased, particularly. It can seem that way, but there are a few factors at play here.

One is that you are receiving more information than you previously did, about these fearful things. So moderate your income of info, and try not to overdose. Choose your sources wisely and ignore the rest. Frothing it up will do nothing to help you or your world, and in the end gives you hiccups and upsets your digestion. Do not do the work for those who wish to see you suffer. Do not make yourself ill with worry. It harms you, and does no good.

Do not create more suffering on top of what already exists. Take action as best you can, when and where it can be effective. Sometimes this is in the small daily gestures, sometimes it is marching and writing and educating, often it is voting, or contributing time and money, and usually it is supporting those around you who are suffering even more.

Another factor is that there are so many factors currently asking for attention. You can’t cover everything at once. You will be stretched too thin, you will break. So try to coordinate. It’s like in CPR when you are giving resuscitation and someone else is doing compressions and you point to the nearest bystander and say, YOU, CALL 911! Nobody can do all the things that need doing all at once. So do what you can, and communicate with and count on others to handle the rest. Remember, not everyone needs to bring chips to the potluck. Someone needs to bring dessert.

We implore you to study history, both for context and for hope, and also to bring perspective. The people who rose up in revolution? They were driven to it by oppression. They created a country from their fear and anger. (Yes, imperfect, a work in progress. That’s where you come in. Now. Here. Present moment.)

The laws that protected the weak and unwell? Those were passed in times of deep distress. They may have been eroded over the decades, through greed and manipulation, but the time is coming for them to be revived, deepened, and refreshed, to include even more benefits, for all beings. There will always be greedy people; there will always be generous people. Only you can decide where you stand.

Your courts and your government are living beings, they grow and change and pulse over the course of time. All the bad and the good people who have served in the past are gone now. All the bad and good people of the present still exist and will behave as they feel they can. All the bad and good people of the future are yet to come to power. It continues, past reckoning, over time.

Pace yourselves. Keep breathing. Try to maintain some perspective.

Above all, remember this: nothing is forever. Not beauty, not sorrow, not horror, not joy. Everything passes. You can only hope to do the best you can do with your life. Your life, when joined with others’, can move mountains. You cannot erase all the suffering inflicted over time, but you can meet it here and now, one step and one day at a time, no matter what. And that is the antidote for fear. Generosity. Living your values. Never giving up. Breathing. Love.

Much love & Many blessings,

BlueStar & Counsel of Light

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Picture of BlueStar and Counsel of Light

BlueStar and Counsel of Light

are the names of Ker Cleary’s spirit guides. They are two distinct groups of disembodied beings, here to help you (and Ker) make sense of this world of Life. They author these blog posts unless otherwise noted.

Picture of BlueStar and Counsel of Light

BlueStar and Counsel of Light

are the names of Ker Cleary’s spirit guides. They are two distinct groups of disembodied beings, here to help you (and Ker) make sense of this world of Life. They author these blog posts unless otherwise noted.

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