The wisdom of BlueStar & Counsel of Light at your fingertips
Offering you the BlueStar Deck, the Sacred Stones Oracle Decks (volumes I & II), and the Flower Oracle Deck
Use your oracle deck every day, or whenever you wish to consult the guides about what is on your mind and in your heart. To play with and explore the decks virtually, try out the random card generator at the bottom of this page (it is so cool!).
Pick a card for daily contemplation, to inspire and deepen your own connection to intuition and guidance energy. Read the channeled information for each card in the accompanying booklet, or simply listen to your own inner wisdom. You can use the cards one at a time, or in groups of two or three, in any tarot spread you like, or however you desire. They are both flexible and precise, offering guidance and clarity for all your questions and concerns.
Each Oracle Deck contains full color cards, with a beautiful photograph and a word or brief saying on each card. Cards measure 2.5 x 3.5 inches, fitting easily in the hand, with a smooth finish on 300 gsm paper. They have a lovely feel, and are lightly coated to resist stains and creases.
Each of the 36-card BlueStar and Sacred Stones decks comes in its own hard, clear plastic box, which doubles as a display box for your card of the day. These decks are accompanied by a booklet containing channeled guidance for each card.
The 78-card Flower Oracle Deck comes in a custom cardboard box, with a full 140-page book of channeled guidance and information on how to use the cards.
Each deck stands on its own and has a distinct quality of energy.
The BlueStar Oracle Deck has a sweet, gentle feeling, while staying true to the clarity of the spirit guides BlueStar and Counsel of Light. The cards in this deck have evocative phrases that are easy to remember and relate to. A great beginner deck. The images include a variety of human made and natural objects and plants.
The Sacred Stones Oracle Decks volumes I & II have a concise, deep, direct energy. Each card has a single word, which the spirit guides BlueStar & Counsel of Light have used to generate useful channeled information. Their compassion and humor shine in these decks. The photographs are of sacred stones in various parts of the world.
The Flower Oracle Deck is a three-part deck, organized into Action (green), Emotion (yellow), and Idea (Blue), referencing three ways of engaging with the inner and outer worlds. With 78 cards total, this is a large and versatile deck, packaged in a custom cardboard box with a full 140-page book describing the cards and suggesting many ways to use them. This deck is full of beautiful color photographs of particular flowers, accompanied by a single word relating to the quality represented therein.
All images made and copyrighted by Ker Cleary. Cost $29 per deck for the BlueStar and Sacred Stones decks, or $75 for the set of 3, plus shipping. The Flower Oracle Deck is $60 plus shipping.
See Testimonials at the bottom of this page for a glimpse of others’ experience.
Oracle Card Generator
Explore our oracle decks using the random card generator below. Each generator contains 9 cards (out of 36) from its associated deck.
Instructions: Working with oracle cards is a personal and intuitive process. The more you use them, the deeper your connection with your own inner wisdom grows. The following ideas are just suggestions; play with them any way you wish.
Ask a question in your mind and heart, holding it clearly as you scan to see which deck to use. You can use all three cards displayed in each deck, one from each deck, three from the same deck, one card only, your choice.
One of the simplest questions to ask is, “What do I need to know right now?” Of course, you can ask whatever you want. Open-ended questions will bring more insight than yes/no questions. Three-card readings could be framed as past/present/future, or self/situation/obstacle, or anything else that makes sense to you.
With the card backs showing, click on the double arrow to shuffle, then click on the card(s) you feel drawn to for your guidance. Click the face of the card to read the channeled message for that card, scrolling down to see the full text. Or, simply gaze at the card and sense what the meaning is for you.
Click the card again to see the image; click the back arrow to flip the card(s) back.
Have fun, and trust yourself.
To purchase full physical decks, visit our Shop page.
Play with the Flower Oracle Deck
Fruition is an ongoing process. It is not only the point where what you wanted to happen, happens. Fruition is everything along the way, and after that.
Each moment of your life is the fruition of all that has come before. If you appreciate or enjoy anything about your present circumstances, then regret is absolutely moot. Because everything up to this moment has contributed to now; this moment is the sum of all your choices and events.
Solitude may be the fruition of your relationships that didn’t work out. That leads to loving yourself, if you let it. Community might be the fruition of all the times you were lonely, until you finally stood up and walked out to find people again. Everything is the fruition of what came before, but you’ll never know exactly what came from what.
If you dislike anything about today, you have no need to blame. Just think for a moment about what brought you here, and contemplate what might take you onwards. Do not denigrate yourself or others; do not blame or guilt or find fault. Every choice, every event, and your perceptions and responses to those things, make up the mosaic of What Is. Here you are, so rejoice.
All your steps that brought you here were acts of faith. Please trust yourself to carry on accordingly. Even if you are unhappy, you have done no wrong that cannot be accounted for and healed. You have also done no right that cannot be undermined, dismissed, or regretted. Rest in confidence, and go on. Everything changes.
You don’t need to be cheerful all the time, but appreciate the fruition of your life. It is waiting right in front of you, low-hanging fruit. If you are hungry, eat of it. If someone else needs it, give it to them. There will always be enough to go around. The elements of your life are fertile, as is the ground. Each moment seeds are being planted, each moment tasks are being tended to, each moment you reap what you have sown. This is called karma, the simple balancing act. ❀
What we mean by this is to include your whole self in your regard. Include others’ whole selves as well, the parts you agree with and the parts you do not. The parts that annoy you and the parts that attract. The parts you find acceptable and the parts that repel. Include it all.
You are more than the sum of your parts, but without the entirety of your self, you will never be all of yourself. Making particular demands on yourself in order to include aspects in your regard is called conditional love, and believe us – It Does Not Work.
Nobody responds well to rejection, which is exactly what exclusion is. When you decide to only love your body at a certain weight or fitness level or functionality or behavior on command, that is excluding entire huge swaths of your own very human condition. It is unreasonable and unnecessary and it does not get positive results.
Have some curiosity about aspects of yourself you have rejected. What if it is included, in the package of you, to have warts? What if it is included to sometimes belch? Are you allowed to get older and wrinkled? Are you allowed to have folds in your skin at all? There is no stretching and growing and becoming without those folds, so you might want to include them in your inventory of things you cannot live without.
To include the whole kit and kaboodle, of yourself and of others, is to accept a cosmic invitation to a mysterious and intriguing joy ride. You can be prickly and sweet. You can be intelligent and also not bright. You might mean well and do poorly by someone.
Each human is a walking box of paradox, and the sooner you can accept all your bits and pieces, the sooner they will seem to fit together. And that makes you whole. And that makes you greater than the sum of all your parts. Even the ones you dislike. They have something to offer as well, you know.
Some people feel that anger is a distasteful thing. Now to be angry all the time for no reason and to take it out on others, that is an annoying habit that will not get you anywhere. But mostly this kind of thing happens when a person rejects their own anger, vowing that it has no home, it is bad, it is wrong.
When anyone is excluded like that, they are liable to bang on the door. Anger does have a place in the world, and in the human experience. There are plenty of times it is called for and it brings, ultimately, protection. So it requires inclusion for any human to be whole
Bring your whole self with you, wherever you go. ❀
Tension is the feeling of standing between heaven and ground, the space which all beings occupy. There will forever be tension here, the pull of the planet’s gravity versus the siren call of the wild blue yonder, the elements of earth and air.
When humans acknowledge the tension of simply existing, they can actively use it to benefit all of life. When they try to deny or disregard it, then tension is embodied and causes strife.
Your neck and shoulders: what are they rejecting?
Tension does not have to end in explosions. We would like to make that perfectly clear. Sometimes it’s fun to blow off steam, but only if the steam does not burn you.
Tension is the pull of the polarities, the moon and sun, the time and tide of life on this dear planet that gives you so much. It is the quality that allows the bug to skate on water. It is the element that keeps the boulders up the hill.
You can rely on the tension of gravity to keep you in your place. When you defy the tension you can grow stronger, through stretching, and lifting, and running and jumping in place.
But know what it is that you play with, so you explore tension with respect. Be aware of the tension of anger, of sorrow, of fear, and the tension of happiness and love, the potential for bursting with the tension of news unshared. Please be aware.
And then comes the moment of death: tension dissolves, no longer holding you upright, no longer keeping the soul attached to the bones of the body at all. Finally, relaxed. ❀
Play with the BlueStar Oracle Deck
Inside every being lives the same tender heart
While you may feel revulsion, anger, or smugness when you see a difficult person, remember, they too long for love. They may not express it in the most appealing manner, but they wish to be safe and understood and belong to the tribe.
Everyone has been wounded, and everyone is doing the best they can. Each being has advantages and disadvantages; learning to work with oneself is a lifelong practice. Some people are lazy, some are mean, some are unable to be aware, some are unkind, some are frightened, some are out of touch. Some mean well, but cannot figure it out.
Many variables exist. You can understand this because you have had all these experiences as well.
When you are having a bad day, have compassion for yourself. When you are having a good day, remember you are one of many, either way. And when someone really gets your goat, please keep in mind that their heart is tender, just like yours, and like you they wish only to be loved.
No, you don’t have to agree with them. Sometimes you might even need to fight them. But please do not lose sight of your common ground, or else it will be hopeless. If you cannot recognize yourself in your enemy’s face, you still have a long way to go. ✩
Your purpose here is to become yourself
It is a common question among humans – why am I here? What is my purpose in life? It’s very simple, really. You came here to be this person that you are, and one way or another you will get the job done.
The question is beautiful. Please, never stop seeking meaning for your life.
The basics, you know: kindness, generosity, honesty, humor, love. The details are tricky, the execution sloppy at times, but you keep going, becoming, and growing, into your being, your life, your skin.
We love you very much, and all your foibles, too. Don’t worry so much. Things are coming along just fine. When you can make improvements, we have every confidence that you shall. In the meantime, try to enjoy the view.
Please understand a salient point: you have destiny, and you also have free will. Destiny means you have a plan, and it is engaged, and you have options, to follow or to alter the course. Mostly you will follow the plan, though there may be some detours along the way. So, you can relax. And free will means you might not get everything done. You might decide to go another way sometimes. This is perfectly allowed. ✩
When something deserves to be done, it might take longer than you think. You might need to take the long view, to wait it out.
There is something to be said for determination, slow and steady, winning the race.
Except there is no race.
This is about the march of time, and how it never paces according to your will. So, time yourself to something else, the level of satisfaction at each day’s end, the tally of how you lived into your ideals, what you learned, who you loved, where the regret and opportunity lay.
Each morning renew your commitment.
Not “this day I will be a better person” or even “I will do better than I did before” but simply, “Here is who I am and what I stand for, and to the best of my ability I will meet myself with all my heart as best I can with what I have to work with in this moment.”
That should be sufficient to get you where you want to go, so that at the end of your life you will look back not with regret, or even pride, but with gratitude and wonder at what richness you were given and gave back, by the mere fact of your singular existence. ✩
Play with the Sacred Stones Oracle Deck volume I
Freedom. It does not always mean you can do what you like. It can come from unlikely experiences. You can climb a hill and realize you are free to leap. But gravity will have the last word.
Sometimes freedom comes from recognizing and releasing the past. If you always face forward, or attempt to cover up what has come before as if it did not exist, you will find the rumblings of history disrupting your current events. Freedom in this case is the result of excavation and renovation, rather than denial and full steam ahead.
Freedom is mental, in general. There is bodily freedom of a kind, but the freedom of the spirit is not realized while kept in physical form. The mind, however, is free to roam at will. If you recognize this, and take care to cultivate an open and liberated mind, you will have as much happiness as your mind can hold, regardless of your physical reality.
Those with basic needs taken care of may scoff at this notion, but we tell you the truth. A hangnail bothers an unfree mind much more deeply and destructively than the lack of housing or food bothers a mind that is liberated.
Try freeing your mind, and when you get there, see if you agree. ☼
Effort is not what you think. Sometimes it is giving the old heave ho, but more often it is gentle, sustained intention. Effort means not giving up.
Effort means putting one foot in front of the other, when no apparent reward exists, when nothing is guaranteed. You keep going because you said you would, because going forward is the only way out, because effort brings fruition, whether or not you live to see it.
Effort is not drudgery. It is a good day’s work, an honest living, the purpose-driven activity of the intentional mind. It is not always breaking a sweat. It does not always include a sore body the following day. And it hardly ever means injury.
There is such a thing as effortless effort, which means the precise measurement has been taken and no more and no less is applied. This ability comes through much practice, and of course through many experiences of too much and too little and the timing being off.
When you are in the flow of things, effort is not off-putting. When you are committed to survival, effort is not a thought. Effort is just what is done.
Depending on circumstance and your state of mind, it could be uplifting and exhilarating, or it could be a drag, or both. ☼
Connection means all beings meet at the Source. It is not something generated or imagined or perceived; it is factual and cannot be otherwise.
You cannot exist without all who have come before, and all who are currently here, and even those who come later. By “all,” we mean not just people, but dogs and pigs and bugs, rocks and leaves, and everything else. Everything arises from the same cosmic pool of energy, and, after this lifetime, all disperses back to the pool again.
So indeed, you are interrelated, all beings must be. How else could all of this arise? Bring respect and love to your actions, your thoughts, your desires, for together you are building reality.
You must bring what you want to experience. You want love? Bring love. Satisfaction? Cultivate it so you have enough to share.
Longing to feel positive about your place in the world? Shine that light on others, and your experience of it is assured.
Source is unconditional love, and everything – even that which seems distorted – is the product of trying to manifest in a conditional world. It’s not easy to exist here, so be kind to yourself, and all beings, and keep doing the best you can. It all comes back around. And home. You will always come home. ☼
Play with the Sacred Stones Oracle Deck volume II
Awareness is a fleeting thing. The tricky part of being human is the tenuous connection with conscious experience. It is easy to disappear, and – naturally – so tempting.
Each small effort that you bring to the awareness of your present moment experience, to life as you live it, to thoughts and feelings and assumptions, all the nonjudgmental discernment that you can bring at any time, helps bring your soul into alignment and manifestation in your human life. So what, you might ask.
If you bring your Self more fully into this experience of being human, you will find more ease in your life. More importantly, you become an even clearer conduit for all the information passing back and forth between this human experience and the Oneness, or All That Is (aka Source, unconditional love energy).
When the transmission goes smoothly, you experience joy and peace of mind, and an indescribable sense of satisfaction. You know, deeply, that you are doing exactly what you came here for, even if you can’t say what that is.
It’s not easy to be human, but with increased awareness it is like the joy of strengthening your physical muscles. You become capable of so much more, with less effort than you thought possible. And, you don’t even have to sweat! ☾
Clarity depends on the amount of light you allow to shine through.
It is not a given. It is not simply a choice. Clarity comes from devotion to truth, unwavering commitment to what is real and transparent in thought and word and deed. When one seeks to manipulate, one will rarely have clarity. When one seeks the naked truth of What Is, clarity will arise to bestow its blessings.
If you are clinging to some notion of yourself as unworthy, not good enough, insufficient, you may find the quality of your thoughts to be stringy, cloudy, taut.
Not everyone is cut out for clarity.
It can have sharp edges; it can sting. If clarity is what you are built for, however, the truth will bring relief.
Clarity brings with it a sense of relaxation, a sense of alignment, of seeing clearly and being seen. It is one of the qualities of the Source from which you came, the unconditional love of your birthright. Clarity will always feel like coming home.
In times of befuddlement, confusion, agitation, remember your essential nature is clear and bright. Allow the light of clarity to shine through you, to settle you and keep you awake. ☾
Every intention has unintended consequence. So what? There are consequences to being unintentional as well. If you shy away from what you are intending, you have less voice and more trouble.
When you are clear and upfront with your intention, it is easier to see what fits and what doesn’t. You can continue on your path, if you know what your purpose is. Sometimes you might be sidetracked or make a detour, but clear intention gets you back on the trail without fear.
Intention acts like a beacon on a stormy night. It sets the tone for your life, and shores you up when your energy flags. Your intention for this lifetime can be deduced, if you are not quite certain, by how you have spent your time thus far.
Is your intention to accomplish your goals or is it to live in perpetual fear? Here is a secret: everyone intends to do what they came to do. And pretty much everyone does it, one way or another. Whatever does not get done will be waiting for you in the next lifetime, so you can do it now or then, but your hair is on fire, they say.
Look back over your life, look at your current life, and look at the plans you have for moving forward. Where is your intention in all of it? What are the strands you see woven throughout? What’s missing? What feels right? Where is the joy, the sorrow, the satisfaction?
Your intention does not need to be set so much as it needs to be recognized. Then you will know what to do, and why, and how. ☾
Oracle Card Generator
Explore our oracle decks using the random card generator below. Each generator contains 9 cards (out of 36) from its associated deck.
Instructions: Working with oracle cards is a personal and intuitive process. The more you use them, the deeper your connection with your own inner wisdom grows. The following ideas are just suggestions; play with them any way you wish.
Ask a question in your mind and heart, holding it clearly as you scan to see which deck to use. You can use all three cards displayed in each deck, one from each deck, three from the same deck, one card only, your choice.
One of the simplest questions to ask is, “What do I need to know right now?” Of course, you can ask whatever you want. Open-ended questions will bring more insight than yes/no questions. Three-card readings could be framed as past/present/future, or self/situation/obstacle, or anything else that makes sense to you.
With the card backs showing, click on the double arrow to shuffle, then click on the card(s) you feel drawn to for your guidance. Click the face of the card to read the channeled message for that card, scrolling down to see the full text. Or, simply gaze at the card and sense what the meaning is for you.
Click the card again to see the image; click the back arrow to flip the card(s) back.
Have fun, and trust yourself.
To purchase full physical decks, visit our Shop page.
Play with the Flower Oracle Deck
Some people think that receiving is not an action but a state of passivity. This is untrue. Receiving must be an engaged action for it to have any effect.
Many things get in the way of receiving properly: deflecting, denying, rejecting, trying to give back right away, or to give away or pass along what has been received without fully digesting it. All of these responses are understandable. There is so much wrapped up in the idea of receiving. And yet.
Receiving is happening all the time, in many, many ways. You are antennae, attuned to all the vibrations, information, and offerings of the Universe. You can’t help receiving. With this card we encourage you to be selective in your attunement and fully able to take in that which you receive.
It is necessary, of course, to take in food and water, air and light, in order to survive. Many people acknowledge the necessity of love as well, but few practice taking it in.
There is love and beauty everywhere, and it is beamed to you all hours of the night and day. This doesn’t mean there is no pain or suffering, of course there is. But without receiving the healing vibrations of unconditional love, the stuff you are based in, how are you to withstand the challenges of life?
To practice receiving, give yourself a few minutes at a time, find a space where you will be less interrupted, and allow your gaze to soften. Find something beautiful or pleasing to look at. Find something peaceful to listen to. Find a nice smell, a nice taste, a pleasant texture of cloth or skin. Take a few minutes to breathe it in and allow it to diffuse into your cells. Imagine they are plumping up, glowing with the radiance of reception vibrating with health and well-being.
Practice this daily, without rejecting or squirming away from it, without having to share it with anyone else, and eventually you will attain mastery. And then you can work with receiving the things that seem less pleasant to accept, until at some point you will be able to receive the entirety of your life and the world in which it resides. ❀
Fruition is an ongoing process. It is not only the point where what you wanted to happen, happens. Fruition is everything along the way, and after that.
Each moment of your life is the fruition of all that has come before. If you appreciate or enjoy anything about your present circumstances, then regret is absolutely moot. Because everything up to this moment has contributed to now; this moment is the sum of all your choices and events.
Solitude may be the fruition of your relationships that didn’t work out. That leads to loving yourself, if you let it. Community might be the fruition of all the times you were lonely, until you finally stood up and walked out to find people again. Everything is the fruition of what came before, but you’ll never know exactly what came from what.
If you dislike anything about today, you have no need to blame. Just think for a moment about what brought you here, and contemplate what might take you onwards. Do not denigrate yourself or others; do not blame or guilt or find fault. Every choice, every event, and your perceptions and responses to those things, make up the mosaic of What Is. Here you are, so rejoice.
All your steps that brought you here were acts of faith. Please trust yourself to carry on accordingly. Even if you are unhappy, you have done no wrong that cannot be accounted for and healed. You have also done no right that cannot be undermined, dismissed, or regretted. Rest in confidence, and go on. Everything changes.
You don’t need to be cheerful all the time, but appreciate the fruition of your life. It is waiting right in front of you, low-hanging fruit. If you are hungry, eat of it. If someone else needs it, give it to them. There will always be enough to go around. The elements of your life are fertile, as is the ground. Each moment seeds are being planted, each moment tasks are being tended to, each moment you reap what you have sown. This is called karma, the simple balancing act. ❀
Play with the BlueStar Oracle Deck
All life is an expression of love
Everyone came into existence on the physical plane as an imperfect expression of unconditional love. Imperfect, because if you show up on Earth, you are living in conditional reality, and therefore cannot easily express your true essence.
This is the basic difficulty of being human, along with the powerful illusion of separateness from each other, and the loss of feeling a part of All That Is. But this is why you are here. You are trying to learn things that cannot be learned in any other way. You are trying to experience and express those aspects of being which can only happen here.
It is not easy, but it is important. Necessary. Because all of this is in fact interconnected, and if you bring conscious effort to believing that, behaving as if it is so, and experiencing your life this way, then you have moved everything forward a step, towards harmony, peace, and truth.
You do not have to do this. But this is what you are called to do. You choose whether or not to answer. Some days you might sleep in. There is no punishment, or shirking of duty. There is simply showing up, waking up, sending out and receiving that which is the true life force, that which we call love. ✩
Kindness to others without kindness to oneself is incomplete
Kindness to others is only part of the equation. If you cannot find it in your heart to make friends with yourself, then where does that really put you in life? Very lonely and sad, and false, in a way.
You can be the kindest person alive, in the outer sense, but if you have insufficient kindness towards your own follies and foibles and faults, you will never convince anyone of your sincerity. You will never be as trusted as you long to be, for who can be seen as trustworthy when they mistreat their own dear self?
Then those around you live in fear or concern about the day it all falls down and maybe takes them with it.
A house divided against itself cannot stand, and so reserving kindness for those around you and limiting or restricting the kindness you give yourself will make a weak vessel, which ultimately must fail.
Remember, you are as deserving of your own kindness and generosity of spirit as anyone else, even more so. How will you do your good work in the world, if your structure cannot hold, and if you are forsaken by the one who should stand by you each and every moment of your life? ✩
Play with the Sacred Stones
Oracle Deck volume I
Joy is found in secret places, not always expressed aloud. Joy is a small thing, a large thing, a sensation beyond description, but you know when it arrives.
You may have noticed that any attempt to generate joy for the sake of joy very often fails. If it is joy you seek, bring joy to others, any way you can. If you do not know how to do this, then ask, observe, watch others, and learn what it is, this thing called joy.
Do not assume about joy. It is a quiet thing. It will let you know when it wants to come play. If you allow it, then you will eventually know it well. If you live your life in such a way that there is room enough for joy to visit, eventually joy will make a home with you.
Make friends with joy, nourish joy, and introduce joy to everyone you know. But you cannot command joy.
Joy does not come at anyone’s beck and call.
Joy is the result of a joyful life, not the cause of it.
Do not confuse the initial impulse with the outcome. ☼
There are many ways in which beings communicate. Some use words or sounds, some visual or gestured cues. Some simply walk away or towards you. Some will be silent and still. Everyone – all beings – communicate with energy, and even if you want to deny it, you receive the energy as well.
When you trust your own perceptions and are well grounded and finely attuned, you will read beings and situations accurately, and will be able to respond with good cheer. When you don’t have experience or confidence or discernment, even the most explicit information given in your native tongue will seem foreign or impossible to interpret.
Try to be open and listen with all your faculties. Some information is given on the breeze. Be like a snake, taste the air with your tongue. Allow all you perceive to enter your consciousness, and then rest for a while, to let it settle and make itself known. In this way you are less likely to jump to conclusions, cause offense, or take umbrage.
Even if the process takes only seconds, the beats between communication and reception and response are hallowed ground. Sacred interactions happen there, in each moment. And, in that place, you meet your own sacred selves as well. ☼
Play with the Sacred Stones
Oracle Deck volume II
Every intention has unintended consequence. So what? There are consequences to being unintentional as well. If you shy away from what you are intending, you have less voice and more trouble.
When you are clear and upfront with your intention, it is easier to see what fits and what doesn’t. You can continue on your path, if you know what your purpose is. Sometimes you might be sidetracked or make a detour, but clear intention gets you back on the trail without fear.
Intention acts like a beacon on a stormy night. It sets the tone for your life, and shores you up when your energy flags. Your intention for this lifetime can be deduced, if you are not quite certain, by how you have spent your time thus far.
Is your intention to accomplish your goals or is it to live in perpetual fear? Here is a secret: everyone intends to do what they came to do. And pretty much everyone does it, one way or another. Whatever does not get done will be waiting for you in the next lifetime, so you can do it now or then, but your hair is on fire, they say.
Look back over your life, look at your current life, and look at the plans you have for moving forward. Where is your intention in all of it? What are the strands you see woven throughout? What’s missing? What feels right? Where is the joy, the sorrow, the satisfaction?
Your intention does not need to be set so much as it needs to be recognized. Then you will know what to do, and why, and how. ☾
Grace is as inherent in your day as sunrise in the morning. You may not see it. There may be heavy clouds, dense drapery, or no windows where you are. But the sun rises, every day, and grace is not far behind.
When you require grace, seek it out. Grant it to yourself, even if you cannot feel it. Grant it to others, even if you don’t know if they deserve it. Grant it everywhere you go, trusting in the power of the light to bestow itself on everyone without question, judgment, or hesitation.
Grace is that moment when the glass did not break, although it fell. The moment you paused before stepping off the curb, so were not struck by the distracted motorist.
Grace is when the child across the room sees you and lights up, for no apparent reason. Grace is when you smile, reflexively, and the other one smiles back.
Moments of grace in the day or night are infinite. If melancholy has taken hold, then the counting of instances of grace will be your salvation.
As you count, grace is drawn to you. Like shining a light on all the magic of the world, you illuminate it for yourself and others. ☾
Oracle Card Generator
Explore our oracle decks using the random card generator below. Each generator contains 9 cards (out of 36) from its associated deck.
Instructions: Working with oracle cards is a personal and intuitive process. The more you use them, the deeper your connection with your own inner wisdom grows. The following ideas are just suggestions; you may play with them any way you wish.
Ask a question in your mind and heart, holding it clearly as you scan to see which deck to use. You can use all three cards displayed in each deck, one from each deck, three from the same deck, one card only, your choice.
One of the simplest questions to ask is, “What do I need to know right now?” Of course, you can ask whatever you want. Open-ended questions will bring more insight than yes/no questions. Three-card readings might be framed as past/present/future, or self/situation/obstacle, or anything else that makes sense to you.
With the card backs showing, click on the [double arrow] to shuffle, then click on the card(s) you feel drawn to for your guidance. You might click all at once, or one at a time. Click the face of the card to read the channeled message that goes with that card, scrolling down to see the full text. Or, simply gaze at the card and sense what the meaning is for you, without the guides’ words.
Click the card again to see the image; click the back arrow to flip the card(s) back.
Click the double arrow to shuffle the cards.
Have fun, and trust yourself.
To purchase full physical decks, visit our Shop page.
Play with the Flower Oracle Deck
Path is what lies before you, even as what lies before you may be out of view. Path is what brought you to this place in time, all of your past steps and errors and disbeliefs. Path is where you stand or sit or rest right in this moment, always moving, yet also always still. Path is the arc of energy you walk throughout your life, half in faith, half in confidence, never really knowing where it leads.
There is a continually unfolding quality to Path, the mystery that abides even when you think the way is clear. There is always a fuzzy spot on the horizon, which cannot be seen distinctly, but which inexorably draws you on. It is the nature of a lifetime to unfold; the center is not revealed until completion. But the center is within you and continually guides you, whether or not you feel conscious of this truth.
There is an idea some have about Path, that it should make sense, that the outcomes are preordained, that one thing will lead to another, that consequences can be understood and weighed before they are activated. But if you look back, you will notice how much of your life could not have been anticipated, no matter how much information you gathered, mulled over, and analyzed. You may also notice that however much you believed you knew what you were doing, you surely did not. Conversely, times when you were less confident, unsure what steps to take, you were guided, absolutely. That deep inner wisdom which resides in your very center has never, ever left you.
Your path has only one purpose, and that is to lead you more deeply into yourself. No matter where you are, which branches you explore, how often you go one way or another, or feel lost, you are always on your path. This is it. This life, this arc of time and space, this meaning you ascribe. Wherever you place yourself – each moment, resting, moving forward – is you and Life living your Path. Trust this. ❀
Play with the BlueStar Oracle Deck
Perfectionism: you’re doing it wrong
Perfection is not an ideal, dear ones, but a deadly, insidious disease. It kills dreams, it kills hope, it kills spontaneity. It damages relationships with self and with other, and encourages the growth of fear, grasping, and controlling behaviors.
In no way is the Perfect your friend.
In fact, although you find the idea a bit comforting – that there is someplace to end up that is unassailable, of course it’s a lovely idea – in fact it will only and always and every time let you down.
It doesn’t hold. It doesn’t remain.
Perfection happens in a fleeting moment, and dissolves again in the rapid blink of an eye.
There is no ground of perfection on which you can take a stand.
It is not right or good or infallible. It is only a breath, passing through.
Like this one.
And this next one.
And once again. ✩
Play with the Sacred Stones Oracle Deck volume I
As they say, no one is an island. But from time to time, it is useful to isolate your Self, away from all that is known, that knows you, that distracts you from your center. Everyone needs privacy, and the security of alone time, to connect with their inner self.
Solitude is where the source of you resides, and must be visited from time to time. When you lose touch with your sacred inner Self, the fire of confidence grows dim. You lose clarity, insight, and truth, when you go for long stretches of time away from Home.
This Home, inside, is forever available to you, and yet you do not recall it when your days are full.
Solitude is respite, and sometimes lonesome, and always vital to your integrity of Self.
When you visit yourself on the island inside you, rest a while on your
own sweet shore. Even if the rocks are rocky, and the sand gets in your crevices.
Home is where your heart is, and your heart, inside, is Home. ☼
Play with the Sacred Stones Oracle Deck volume II
You may find that to be less present in this moment is a very good choice. You may find that to bring yourself more fully into presence here and now is worth the effort. Only you can choose.
If your presence is affected by your unresolved past, you may not be able to choose.
You may find yourself not being here as much as you’d like, or you may find that you prefer not being here now, or maybe you can’t help it. You may find that you disappear from your own experience at the drop of a hat, that you must leave to avoid further pain. However, at some point what began as self-preservation becomes abandonment of the self.
You have become choiceless, and you might not realize it.
What is the point of presence? Here you are. If being here is a good thing, you could show up and enjoy it.
If being here is a neutral thing, you might as well be here, because where else would you be (and what if something interesting happens)?
If being here is not a good thing, you need to be within yourself fully so that you can take your whole self with you when you go (yes, you are allowed to go). ☾
I am learning how to be a more relaxed, open, in-tune, aware, and accepting person through my daily mini-meditations. This little card deck has changed my life! Thank you Ker Cleary and BlueStar!
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