Minerva Wisdom Arts

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Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home

Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home

Covid-19 and Fresh Vaccines

Many greetings, Dear Ones,

We want to share a little bit of what we see when we look at the Covid-19 situation, particularly in the US, current and potential. We also have been fielding several questions from you all about the vaccines and whether or not one should get them, how effective or dangerous they might be, etc. We will share our perspective on these questions below, after making sure you understand we are not medical personnel of any kind, and all we are reporting is the energy structures of these qualities as they appear to us currently. That is all that we can offer with accuracy, and we offer it also with an attempt at clarifying and calming things down a bit.


The current situation in most areas of the US regarding Covid-19 is that there are still an unsustainable number of cases being transmitted and identified every day. There will, at some point, be a slowing down of transmission, but we do not see that occurring any time soon. Once you get some people to stop spreading the virus, another batch will pop up who have had enough and decide that just this once won’t hurt and they are tired of the isolation or staying indoors or the stress got to them or whatever. So it is a bit of a game of Whack a Mole, as they say. Until and unless there is a massive group effort all across the country to do all the things that need doing simultaneously and sustainedly, the tide of the virus will not abate.

This will be compounded of course by people feeling free to move about as in pre-covid times once they have the vaccine, and by the proliferation of mutated variations of the virus, which the vaccines may or may not rebuff. In other words, the shitshow should continue to drag on into the foreseeable future. The question of the vaccines is fairly simple, but not straightforward. It can help to slow things down. Some people will find it quite effective. It will not be good for everyone, and it will not protect forever or against every variant that will emerge. It’s not a danger, on the whole, for most of you to receive it. If you know you may have allergic responses or you don’t do well with such things, you may choose not to partake. In that case, please continue to lay low and take the precautions everyone knows by now (masks and washing and not gathering etc you know).

If you feel no concern about the vaccine, please do receive it; it will do more good than not and all the gaps that can be created in the lines of transmission will help to slow things down, and give perhaps a chance to sort things out. But it is not the end all and be all, and you may still potentially transmit the virus even if you do not technically catch it yourself. So, continue to be cautious nonetheless. In general we want to say that although it is a new vaccine that came about quickly, that speed works as much in its favor as against, and although the method of storage slows things down, consider that they did not imbue it instead with many preservatives. It is a fresh vaccine, and probably less potent but less likely to cause trouble for anyone taking it.

We say all of this not to discourage you, but to encourage you, as always, to see clearly, behave honestly, and make measured choices about how you live your lives. It’s no use to hold your breath now, you have to breathe and find your way forward. One way to stay healthy in these difficult times is to give up the things you have been clinging to for some sense of normalcy, such as fear, rejection, and judgment.

It is easy and also unnecessary to point fingers or join in scoffing or rolling one’s eyes at the choices other people make. Each human is composed particularly of their own stuff, their experiences, their traumas, their sense of entitlement, their capacity for tolerance of difficult experiences, and on and on. Trust in each other that you are doing the best you can, and that each one’s reasoning is often hidden and generally more nuanced than anyone else can tell.

If you are a person who sees yourself as behaving better than others, remember that everyone has their limits, even you. If you are a person who has perhaps been a little naughty, or felt the rules didn’t exactly apply to you, keep in mind that you can easily, unintentionally, endanger other people through your actions. Please make the best choices you can.

No person is better than another, and no person less responsible for their actions than another. There is nothing to be gained by shaming and fear mongering or by ignorance and blustering along. Please just be kind to each other, and listen to each other, and try to find a way to hold the fear and the sense of disruption to relationships and the awkwardness of it all. Just because a person you know is behaving in a way you disagree with, it does not mean they are actually trying to do you specific harm. Recalibrate. Find your balance again.

Please consider how to create more harmony on the earth, and how to live with the choices you make. Now, more than ever, the irrefutable truth of your interdependence is making itself known. Please listen. You are all part of this world, and how you treat yourself and each other is what the world is made of. Be the world you want to live in. Now is the only opportunity to do that. There is no other time.

Much love and many blessings,

BlueStar & Counsel of Light

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Picture of BlueStar and Counsel of Light

BlueStar and Counsel of Light

are the names of Ker Cleary’s spirit guides. They are two distinct groups of disembodied beings, here to help you (and Ker) make sense of this world of Life. They author these blog posts unless otherwise noted.

Picture of BlueStar and Counsel of Light

BlueStar and Counsel of Light

are the names of Ker Cleary’s spirit guides. They are two distinct groups of disembodied beings, here to help you (and Ker) make sense of this world of Life. They author these blog posts unless otherwise noted.

2 thoughts on “Covid-19 and Fresh Vaccines”

  1. Dear Ker, you have explained the vaccine issue better than anyone so far! I will share this with a few people to reassure them on their decision one way or another. This came the day I received my first dose of moderna. A bit of a sore arm and that is it so far, don’t expect more.

    Your website is beautiful, calm and very inviting. Thank you for your continued good work in the world.

    Any thank you for your support in my journey,as well as many others.

    Love, Nancy

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