Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home

Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home

Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home

Pentacles/Earth Mother Nature/Healing/Growth

Channeling for the Boho Tarot Journal May/June 2018 issue

Dear Ones,

Here is our take on the subject matter:

You are of the Earth. You are spirit, also, but never forget the bounty of being in a body. In a body you get to feel things you never need experience in spirit alone. Yes, that is why you come here. In the Earth realm, being manifest in physical form, you can feel pain, and fear, and limitation. Oh, what fun, you say? Well, it’s not really about fun or not fun, is it? It is more about existence on the Earth plane.


You made agreement to show up here and to do what must be done. Sometimes what must be done involves loss, and suffering, and sorrow. Sometimes what must be done involves sunshine, and waterfalls, and spring. Sometimes even chocolate.


In this particular spring season, we encourage you to spend time grounding into your Earthly plane of existence. Don’t try to escape through hyper-spirituality. Don’t reject, refute, or remodel by using your mind. Let the Earth inform you, simply, directly, bodily. Let yourself deepen into your physical existence, as it is, without telling yourself to be other than you are in this moment. In this manner, allow yourself simply to heal. This is what it is to heal, you know. To trust in your innate nature. To trust your body to communicate with you and take care of business. You know what we mean.


The Earth plane is complex mainly because it comprises all other planes in one. Only here, in manifest existence, do you have the power and the opportunity to be your multitudinous Self. The Self of the Body, the Self of the Soul, the Self of the Mind, of the Heart, of the Past, Present, and Future. All your existences come together in the here and now, for you to make use of, neglect, or destroy. In your essence you are indestructible, but that doesn’t mean you cannot do harm to yourself.


Humans harm themselves in many, many ways, through intentional and also unintentional manners. But here is the thing. The most insidious self-harm is the thing where you tell yourself to be different than you are. That you should be healthier, less weighty, more intelligent, stop wasting time, more spiritual, able-bodied, never lacking for patience, or humor, or wealth.


We encourage you, therefore, to practice that notion of radical self-acceptance, the here-and-now appreciation of the complexities of life on earth. To remember that nobody has it figured out, that even if you found that perfect and ideal balance of every single thing in your life, it only teeters there for a moment before toppling into chaos once again. No, the best you can really hope for is the relief that acceptance brings. The sheer sweetness of allowing yourself to be fully who you are, warts, bulges, sprout hairs, goofy looks and all. What a concept, correct?


Could you, for just a moment, imagine the arc of your life and how little your weight or your wealth or your social media followers matter, overall? Could you, for a moment, step outside and feel the Earth beneath your feet? Breathe real air into your lungs? Could you possibly simply recall that you are of this Earth, and also of other dimensions, and the fact that you exist at all is a freakin miracle, and everything after that is really gravy?


Here’s the thing: you are doing your life just fine. It is messy on this planet. Being human, or rather, taking human form, is hard. So very, very hard. It is not a thing anyone ever succeeds at. Not in the way that most of you define success. But from our seat, you all have succeeded. You made it here. You were born. You are alive. Everything else? Gravy. Mmmmmm, gravy…..

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Picture of BlueStar and Counsel of Light

BlueStar and Counsel of Light

are the names of Ker Cleary’s spirit guides. They are two distinct groups of disembodied beings, here to help you (and Ker) make sense of this world of Life. They author these blog posts unless otherwise noted.

Picture of BlueStar and Counsel of Light

BlueStar and Counsel of Light

are the names of Ker Cleary’s spirit guides. They are two distinct groups of disembodied beings, here to help you (and Ker) make sense of this world of Life. They author these blog posts unless otherwise noted.

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