Hello there, dear ones,
I hope you are well and managing things in these weird times. Please let me know if I can be of assistance and support.
A reminder that the Channeling Gatherings on Zoom have been scheduled and are available for registration on my website scheduling page here. Next one is this Friday, May 15 at 7pm PST. All the details about the Zoom Gatherings are at the bottom of this email.
Also – I’m extending the 20-minute Special Channeling Offer for Difficult Times until the end of May. It seems to be needed and useful for folks. Pay from the Heart basis, as explained on the scheduling page here.
If your body needs some love, may I suggest online Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes with my friend and Feldenkrais teacher, Susan Van Note. Taught through Zoom, these lessons of tiny, gentle movements will leave you feeling calmer, connected to yourself, and freer and more comfortable in your body and mind. All you need is a mat or blanket on the floor and maybe a folded towel. Super bonus: your first class is FREE, no obligation. Check out the details on her website (click on Online Lessons at the top of the page). Maybe I’ll see you in class!
From the Guides:
Many greetings, Dear Ones!
As the days move onwards and begin to blur around the edges, we advise you to to take heart and count your blessings. Each morning upon waking, can you breathe, can you stretch, can you find comfort in sights and sounds? There is always a jewel in the weeds.
Bring out your curiosity as a cure-all for the ills that you perceive. Are you bored? Be curious. Are you scared? Be curious. Grieving? Curiosity will help. Happy? Curious about that. Listless? Bring a tiny spark of curiosity to that state. Bring a curious mind to examination of exactly what you are experiencing. What are the flavors, the colors, the textures of this moment? What is the body sensation? Then, what is the next body sensation? Where are you positioned in time and space? What can you identify, clearly and specifically, in your interior and also exterior worlds? It’s not just a feeling or sensation, there are many qualities at play here. This is the essence of interconnectedness, and this is proof that you are not alone in the world.
A crumpled tissue? Who harvested the fibers that make it up? What circumstances went into the growing of those fibers? Who had to devise and then put into action all the various practices that brought this tissue from earth to your life, and how will it travel from here? What was it used for? Is it done? Who designed the logo? Do they have a home? What does it look like? Do they have tissues like yours?
There are many billions of people on your planet, and every single one of them is your kin, like it or not. There will always be others in your situation, whether happy or not, satisfied or not, joyful or not. You are not alone. And nowadays it’s interesting, is it not, that isolation can be so small an experience and yet so very universal.
Examine your assumptions and grow curious and ever clearer about the ones that – in particular – make you sad. It’s possibly less necessary than you think to feel so lonely. There may in fact be much proof to the contrary. On the other hand, if you are not alone, you may long for solitude. Life’s funny like that.
Nothing is perfect, nothing lasts. You are in training now. In training for WHAT? you might ask. That, dear friends, is up to you. Whatever you dwell on now is where you root yourself. Train for the life you want to be living. Live as if it is here, now. Because, whether you recognize it or not, it is here. Now.
With love,
BlueStar & Counsel of Light
Current Zoom Channeling Gathering Schedule:
5-7pm PST/8-10pm EST May 1st & 29th
7-9pm PST/9-11pm EST May 15 & June 12
We are alternating earlier and later times so that folks in various locations can join more comfortably. After mid-June we will evaluate and see whether to continue every other week or go monthly.
Schedulista won’t let you register less than 24 hours before an event, so if you run into that, just email me and I can get you registered that day.
The gatherings are offered on a donation basis, through PayPal ( in**@mi***************.com ) or Venmo (@Ker-Cleary). Suggested donation is $5-10; any amount is received with deep appreciation. I prefer donations be made prior to the event you are attending, but whatever works for you. Donation is not required for attendance; registration is.
You will receive the Zoom invite with the access code once you register. Please don’t share the access code with anyone. But feel free to share this email, or send folks to the website to register for the event. We want to keep the space a safe container, and to know who will be there, so we need everyone to register for the event(s) you will be attending. As always, the guides will be patrolling the perimeter to keep the boundaries for us all.
Because of the format, it’s best if you can show up on time. Feel free to leave any time, of course, but it’s possible you won’t be able to get back in (still working on how to manage the technological aspects of coming and going). It’s definitely a little weird and a different effort to attend an online gathering, but it works out quite nicely.
We are keeping the number of participants at 15 right now, to keep things manageable. We will scale up when necessary. You should be able to register for any (or all) of the scheduled gatherings now, as long as there is room. Please let me know if you run into any trouble. If you decide not to attend a gathering you are registered for, please unregister as soon as possible, so someone else can take that space.
I have been asked What is a Channeling Gathering? Good question! It is a group event where I (and sometimes my wife, Julia) channel for you all, in response to questions asked by participants. Not everyone gets to ask a question, but usually everyone gets something out of the conversation.
People generally feel comforted and relaxed after attending a gathering, and receive some kind of clarity and experience of unconditional love. The only way to find out for yourself is to show up.
You are welcome to come in observance mode, or with a question, or however you are. All questions are welcome, big and small. (One of the best ways to get a laugh out of the regular attendees is to say, “This is just a quick question…” because the guides will take as long as they want to answer you!)
For those who are used to our in-person gatherings, I will say it is different on Zoom, but still lovely, and in some ways even more intimate as most everyone can see each other’s faces instead of the back of their heads. Try it, you might enjoy it!
Housekeeping: I will have everyone on mute except when a question is being asked, to cut down on distracting background noises for everyone. To ask a question, you can unmute yourself and say you have a question. If more than one person has a question at a time, you will be responded to one at a time. Julia Trippe will be on board to help facilitate the flow.
Please familiarize yourself with Zoom prior to the event you are joining. Zoom events can be joined without the app, but it works better for some folks if you have it.