Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home

Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home

Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home

Manifestation Part 2 – How to Do It

Dearest Ones –

We did say we would go into more information on the manifestation process, so here we go. (Surely not the last words on the subject, if you know us, and we believe you do!)

To begin with, you know how to do this, because look! Here you are. Manifestation is simply the making substantial and visible that which has heretofore been unseen and untouchable. You are spirit, manifest in physical form. Voila! Simple, and direct. Perhaps not so simple to maintain, and to live in this way, but you did it. So, it begins with the will, or desire, to bring into being the hidden, or occult. (Don’t get freaked out, now, occult only means hidden. So we are redundant. So there.) Manifestation therefore is about bringing out into the light that which was formerly unseen. Thinking about it this way can help relax a person, for what is simpler than turning on the light? You see, it is about illumination, not about sweat equity or labor. Let’s not make this harder than it needs to be. It needs to be easy. Because it is.

So, begin with desire. What do you wish to make visible? What dreams and hopes and fears are milling about in there, looking for a pathway to get out? Be specific, and selective, or choosy. When you try to bring too many things out into the light all at once, it can get jumbled and confused. Like going out into the garage, or the basement, or attic, and turning on the light. Ugh, you say, I need to get organized! And you turn off the light and leave, closing the door with a thump.

Try, instead, to focus on the one small thing that has meaning for you, right here, right now. Try to find the thing with vibrational resonance, not just the thing your head says you should want, but the thing your heart and body are longing for, the thing (we use thing loosely here) that sets up the humming in your deepest parts, the humming that calls out to be matched in vibrational frequency and will not feel satisfied until it is. When you find it, identify it as clearly as you can. Maybe what you found was a feeling or quality you would like more of in your life. Maybe it came as an image, symbolic or concrete. Maybe you heard words or phrases related to your manifestation project. Maybe you got a piece of fruit. Any kind of information will do.

Now, refine it. Get a very good idea of what it is, as best you can. This involves a kind of balancing tension between the possible and the probable, the open and flexible mind and the specific and defining mind. Nothing manifests perfectly as envisioned the very first time; sometimes it never does. But as you work with the process, you will get better at it and find it more fulfilled. So, ask yourself questions to see what it is and what purpose it serves. Is it a pineapple, a mango, a banana? Or is it an apple or a pear or corn? Are you manifesting vitamins or deliciousness or a trip to Hawaii or Vermont or Iowa? Is it something from your past that wants reclaiming, or something new for your future? Is it the fruits of your labor, or are you simply hungry? (This last one is surprisingly complex to resolve at times.)

And yes, going to the grocery store or market or garden to get food counts as manifesting. Pay attention to this deceptively simple notion. Do not dismiss it out of hand. If you don’t recognize the many ways in which you manifest unconsciously, it makes it harder to join with your skills in a conscious way. If you go to work and someone gives you money and you buy food and eat it, that is the cycle of manifestation in a nutshell. Energy out, with intention, receptivity to the energy returning to you, taking that energy and choosing where to place it in order to bring into your life something that did not previously exist. Voila! Peanut butter sandwich.

When you have refined your idea, based on what makes you really and truly hum, then you can ground it in the physical realm of time and space. When do you want this? How will you know when you have it? How much will you pay for it? Money is energy and some things do require spending. Where will you place it in your life/do you really have space for it now? Consider the garage… Example: You want a new relationship, but you are still married to the old one. How is that going to work? We advise ethical manifestation where the least amount of damage and pain are caused. Consider it, please.

Give yourself the extra support of allowing something better than what you have envisioned to come along, and trusting that the timing will be right. If it hasn’t shown up yet, maybe it’s just not time. If it has shown up before you feel ready, maybe the time is Now. If it never shows up…we don’t know about that. Things do show up. Perhaps you just don’t recognize it.

When you have manifested consciously a few times, you will get the hang of it and begin to do it without to much fuss. You are already doing it without too much fuss. Everything in your life was brought there by some degree of cooperation with you. Now it is time to refine your techniques for a happier life.

Two more points we want to make: When manifesting consciously, make sure you can believe in it. If you don’t wake up to a brand new cherry red Corvette in your driveway tomorrow, maybe it’s because you don’t really, in your heart of hearts, believe it to be possible. So, start with believable stuff and work your way up to the sports car. Second, commit to doing whatever you can to bring this thing about, while simultaneously leaving it up to the Universe to put things in motion. If you want to fill up your workshop, you need to do some work to spread the word, even if it fills by other means. Maybe nobody saw your Facebook post but they showed up anyway. You still have to make the post (or whatever). You can’t just sit home waiting for the package to arrive. If you are working on a sports car, the very least you can do is go out and take a test drive!

Much love and good luck to you all.


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Picture of BlueStar and Counsel of Light

BlueStar and Counsel of Light

are the names of Ker Cleary’s spirit guides. They are two distinct groups of disembodied beings, here to help you (and Ker) make sense of this world of Life. They author these blog posts unless otherwise noted.

Picture of BlueStar and Counsel of Light

BlueStar and Counsel of Light

are the names of Ker Cleary’s spirit guides. They are two distinct groups of disembodied beings, here to help you (and Ker) make sense of this world of Life. They author these blog posts unless otherwise noted.

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