Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home

Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home

Minerva Wisdom Arts

many paths, one home


Many greetings dear ones,

As things proceed apace, we would like to remind you to use your skills of discernment. Like when you sniff something in the fridge, to see if it’s gone off. That is a form of discernment. And when you ask someone else to sniff it too, choosing a person with a good nose for things is also discernment. Choosing the person without a sense of smell will not bring you more data or validation.

Similarly, using discernment with where you place your attention and engage your senses will help you live a healthier life. There is no point to ingesting rotten substances just because they happen to be in the fridge. If it is taking from you instead of giving you something, please do not partake. Information that merely confirm your fears is not really useful. Information that asks you to join in negative thinking or stokes your anger unnecessary won’t help anything. As the Buddhists say, if there is nothing you can do about it, no need to get angry; if there is something you can do about it, no need to get angry.

We do not mean that there is no place for anger, nor that it is an unhealthy emotion. It has its place and its uses. Anger can bring energy and fierceness to action. It can protect you or a loved one in times of danger. It can impel others to act within their power when they may have been trying to sit it out.

What we mean is use your discernment to keep from indulging in useless and draining negativity, especially as a substitute for action, or a substitute for committing your power for good. Ask yourself if yo are adding anything to the conversation, if you are inspiring yourself or others, if you are just tired and frustrated and need a nap? Or are you basically in gossip? Are you talking about the enemies as you are told to perceive them, stripping yourself and them of humanity in the process? Are you perhaps forgetting the shared humanity of all?

Of course use your energy to do your part in these troubled times. But what is that part? Spreading pointless information or getting the word out? Feeding yourself nourishing food or carelessly letting yourself go hungry or without nutrition? What is it that you bring to the world? What did you come here for? And how, in these dire times, can you make best use of your gifts? The loudest voices are not always the ones to listen to. The quieter or disregarded voices or viewpoints have a place. Perhaps you listen to them and slow down to consider what it is you really need to do. What goes, what stays, what is useful to amplify and what enhances your environment, at home and in the world at large?

Take some time, step back from the swirl of information and lies, and sniff out what is beyond redemption, what is reduced to poison, and what is for dinner tonight.

BlueStar & Counsel of Light


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Picture of BlueStar and Counsel of Light

BlueStar and Counsel of Light

are the names of Ker Cleary’s spirit guides. They are two distinct groups of disembodied beings, here to help you (and Ker) make sense of this world of Life. They author these blog posts unless otherwise noted.

Picture of BlueStar and Counsel of Light

BlueStar and Counsel of Light

are the names of Ker Cleary’s spirit guides. They are two distinct groups of disembodied beings, here to help you (and Ker) make sense of this world of Life. They author these blog posts unless otherwise noted.

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