Channeled Guidance
You might choose to have a channeled guidance reading when you need clarity in your life, feel stuck, or are struggling with difficulties that don’t seem to resolve through other approaches. Many people find a channeled reading quite soothing and supportive in these difficult times.
Ker Cleary and her spirit guides, BlueStar and Counsel of Light, can help with your concerns regarding life purpose, relationships, healing old patterns, money issues, past lives, & contacting loved ones who have crossed over, among other things. These silly yet wise spirit guides offer down to earth support, clarity, and perspective for your troubled times, challenging choices, & tricky transitions.
See videos of Ker channeling BlueStar & Counsel of Light on our Vimeo page.
See Testimonials at the bottom of this page for a glimpse of others’ experience.
About Channeled Guidance
Channeled guidance is similar to a psychic reading, intuitive reading, clairvoyance, clairsentience or mediumship. We prefer the word channeling because it describes the structure of bringing information through a willing physical being from nonphysical realms using nonordinary states of consciousness, which is what we do.
Channeled guidance comes through a channeler who has entered a trance state and allows disembodied beings such as spirit guides to speak through her, using her physical being as a structure for communication. Other entities may come through during a reading, including the client’s guides or angelic beings, significant people from the client’s life who have died, and other beings with specific information to share. Ker is a light trance channel, which means she is somewhat aware of what is being said, but retains very little, if any, of the conversation.
We do not usually tell you what you should do or what is going to happen. Although you may have a destiny for this life, you also have free will, and you can choose what you will or will not fulfill, regardless of the ideas you came in with.
People most often come away from our readings with a sense of clarity, confidence and wellbeing. We infuse the situation – and your energy field – with unconditional love energy, which is the source from whence you sprang, and so it nourishes you. People say that our work is very helpful (see Testimonials below). From the spirit guide point of view, healing on the energy field level is prerequisite for anything else to move forward, so that is our focus and intention.
Scheduling Your Channeled
Guidance Reading
Feel free to schedule a reading as often as you like, whether once, occasionally, or on a regular basis. All readings are recorded (unless you prefer otherwise), and a link to download the recording is sent to you after the session. All readings are confidential.
Please review our Policies before making an appointment. We recommend (but do not require) that your first channeling appointment be 90 minutes, because a lot of information can come through in the first session. All Channeled Guidance Readings with BlueStar and Counsel of Light are by phone.
90 minutes – $200 – suggested for first time readings
60 minutes – $150 – useful for follow-up or occasional returning readings
30 minutes – $90 – best for frequent check-ins or just one or two questions
20 Minute Special for Difficult Times – Pay from the Heart pricing, see details at Schedule Now page. Best for single issue or question
If needed, more time can be added to your appointment is $30 per each 15 minutes over the scheduled time (subject to availability).
You are also invited to attend our Zoom Channeling Gatherings, currently on hiatus as of 3/8/2024, $5-10 suggested donation. It is a lovely, low cost way to get the flavor of our work.
Special Deals
4-pack – four (1-hour) readings in four months for $500, paid in advance (can be shared), a savings of $100. To purchase a 4-pack deal, visit our Shop.
Subscription – $65 per month for one 30-minute reading each month, 3 month minimum commitment, a savings of $25 per reading. You can subscribe and schedule through the Book Your Session button below.
60 minutes for BIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Jewish and other marginalized people – Gifted in the spirit of support and reparations for those who have experienced undue hardship for being part of a marginalized group. No cost, no ID check, one session per person per year, please.
Please note: House Parties and other similar events are currently on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic, but we can do customized channeling events for you through Zoom! Please contact Ker for hosting ideas, itineraries and fees. 541.349.0595 or via email
Notes on Having a
Channeled Guidance Reading
People often feel nervous before their first reading, which is understandable. It is a new experience and you don’t know what will happen. Ker’s guides are fundamentally kind, and often a little silly. They match their interaction to each person, so you get an individually tailored experience.
The guides read your energy field in the moment, and they like to interact and ask questions, so you don’t really need to prepare in any particular way. Some people make a list of questions they want to ask, some don’t. If there is anything particular that you want to make sure is covered in your session, please make a note of it beforehand to ensure it is addressed.
It is a good idea to have some free time after your reading, so you have a chance to digest the information, and center yourself and transition back to your ordinary world. You are not in trance during the session, but you are interacting with beings of different energy vibrations, so it’s nice to not have to rush off and crunch numbers or look at a computer screen or be in charge of somebody else.

Ker says:
My guides are very accurate – increasingly, as you participate in the reading. They are kind and humorous, and they bring a great deal of comfort and useful information to every reading. They rarely tell people what to do, but they will lay out the options to give you a clearer view of things. While they are conversing with you (using my body as a conduit), they are also saturating you with unconditional love energy, which is the most potent healing force we can experience.
About the Guides
BlueStar and Counsel of Light are the names of Ker Cleary’s spirit guides. They are two distinct groups of disembodied beings, here to help you (and Ker) make sense of this world of Life.
BlueStar is a relatively recent group formation of just about 35 years, comprising some guides that have lived out all the Earth lives required of them, integrated with Ker’s highest self. The “guides portion” were all beings who came in with Ker to help her in this lifetime and agreed with her to work in this conscious manner for the benefit of all who request it. The “highest self portion” is the disembodied portion – everyone has that – which remains in the place of Unconditional Love from whence all of you emerged and to which all shall return at the end of life. Kind of the lifeline to your truth and essence, as it were. So we link with this aspect of Ker to facilitate our ability to discuss what is needed with each of you who asks. We do our best to read and reflect your essence and sort out the tangles and knots and smooth the way a bit for you. Since we have been through many, many lives on this plane as humans and whatnot, we have an immense sense of compassion for the difficulties and fears contained in human lives. We commit to helping you, if you want help, and bringing clarity and a sense of being OK.
Counsel of Light came on the scene about the same time as BlueStar coalesced, though their origins are completely different, and Ker didn’t like them much at first. “We are of mindbody and light, disincarnate and never incarnate and never to be in body as understood by you. We are of ether and universe matter, not the flesh and blood. So our mindbody is clear and precise and we tell it like it is. We take the reading in the moment, not referring back or forth to misconception or understanding based in the confusion of the flesh. To some we seem a bit cold or distant but the coolness and space between us brings a level of clarity not possible in any other way.”
This material was provided by the respective guides.
Please watch videos on Vimeo and on the About page and read the blog to get a better
sense of the guides and how we work. If you have questions, in**@mi***************.com“>email me.
To schedule a reading, please click the Book Your Session button
to be taken to my secure online scheduler
All services and available times are listed there.
Channeled Guidance FAQS
Minerva Wisdom Arts News
Please join our email list to receive occasional channeled guidance, special deals, event and class notices, and wisdom you can use in everyday life. We send out newsletters just a few times a month, and we always protect your information.
You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. For information about our privacy practices, please see the bottom of this page.
Please add in**@mi***************.com to your address book, so you don’t miss a thing!
You can also engage with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Minerva Wisdom Arts News
Please join our email list to receive occasional channeled guidance, special deals, event and class notices, and wisdom you can use in everyday life. We send out newsletters just a few times a month, and we always protect your information.
You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. For information about our privacy practices, please see the bottom of this page.
Please add in**@mi***************.com to your address book, so you don’t miss a thing!
You can also engage with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.