Hello Dear Ones,
I hope you are all well and resting enough. A brief note about videos – a client asked me to channel a video about a particular topic, so I did. Here it is. This one is about how to deal with people you share space with who have different ideas than yours regarding hygiene/distancing right now.
I feel the guides wanting to bring through so much information and love right now. Although times are scary, unsettling, interesting, and downright odd, there are layers of metaphor and emotion and deep inner wisdom that we can work with in this situation. I trust the guides to bring light and clarity to our struggles. The videos are an ongoing project for now, and I am asking for your requests for topics for the channeled videos. It does not have to be Covid-19/quarantine-related (but what isn’t, lately?). Email or text me (541.349.0595) your questions/topics and we will get to them as soon as we can. I am not sure how the guides will choose, it may simply be in the order received.
If you subscribe to our Vimeo channel you will be notified when new ones are posted. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get that information.
Much love and wellness to you all,